Tourists With Riverside Drivers, Harlem, 1908

July 12, 2014

west harlemTourists in an electric charabanc or “automobile bus” with the Riverside Drivers, on Riverside Drive, West Harlem, NY, 1908.On the left the sidewalks paved but the road isn’t and there seems, there a couple small kids riding up on the roof of the bus. It’s said that wheeled vehicles and horses could negotiate unpaved thoroughfares easily; people on foot couldn’t. The apartment units on the far right have just completed construction and are waiting for the windows to be laced in the frames.

This was the beginning of not animal powered time.

The old farms that ran along the West Harlem pier was removed by eminent domain to  construct Riverside Drive.

8×10 glass negative, Detroit Publishing Coompany (Source).

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