Harlem Marx Brothers were a family comedy act that was successful in vaudeville, on Broadway, and in motion pictures from 1905 to 1949.Continue reading
Herbert "Whitey" White (that's him above in the white tie and white streak in his hair), a former bouncer (and ex-prize fighter) at the [easyazon_link identifier="0813035171" locale="US" tag="harlemworld-20"]Savoy Ballroom[/easyazon_link] exported the Lindy Hop from Harlem to dance halls around the world. Continue reading
Leonard Harper (born April 9, 1899 in Birmingham, Alabama- died February 4, 1943, Harlem, New York) was a producer /stager/ choreographer in New York City during the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s.Continue reading