Today, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito (right) joined Fire and Criminal Justice Services Chair Elizabeth Crowley to celebrate $4 million in expense funding through the Fiscal Year 2018 budget to uniform all New York City firefighters with an extra pair of boots.Continue reading
Mayor Bill de Blasio Signs Package Of Legislation Increasing Accessibility In City
Mayor Bill de Blasio today held public hearings for and signed 14 pieces of legislation– Intros. 1161-A in relation to requiring DOHMH report annually on immunization rates of New Yorkers for Human Papillomavirus; Intro.Continue reading
TBI, BLAC & Women’s Caucus Drive Passage Of MWBE Bill Package
Seitu’s World: At New York City’s Women Leaders Panel
Speaker Mark-Viverito Announce $6.6 Mill To Support Domestic Violence Survivors
In honor of NYC Go Purple Day and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Women’s Issues Committee Chair Laurie Cumbo announced $6.6 million in the Fiscal Year 2016 budget for support services for survivors of domestic violence.Continue reading
Harlem Council Member Levine Call To Improve Gas Line Safety
Harlem City Council’s Melissa Mark-Viverito And Others Announce NYC Young Women’s Initiative
Today, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Finance Committee Chair Julissa Ferreras ,Women’s Issues Committee Chair Laurie Cumbo, and Women’s Caucus Co-Chairs Elizabeth Crowley and Darlene Mealy announced the creation of the New York City Council’s Young Women’s Initiative. Continue reading