Writer Woman: Why I Write

I don’t know how many times I heard my aunt, Eartha, after whom I am named, tell this one particular story. According to her, I was three years old—telling everybody’s business—outside in front of her building with pen and paper, writing “a book.” I don’t remember that. Or even if I was able to write…

Dining With Miss Lil: 2011 Healthy Resolutions

By Lil Nickelson For 2011 I have designated the following six healthy resolutions geared towards making positive changes in my eating and cooking practices: Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem World Magazine. (You can unsubscribe anytime)Constant…

Harlem Jazz Museum Acquires Trove By Greats

For decades jazz cognoscenti have talked reverently of “the Savory Collection.” Recorded from radio broadcasts in the late 1930s by an audio engineer named William Savory, it was known to include extended live performances by some of the most honored names in jazz — but only a handful of people had ever heard even the…

Does This Bus Stop at 125h Street? #3 & #4

By Richard Daub This is part three and four in a six part series. Photo of the tour guide. I was also curious about what the outside perception of Harlem. Having grown up on Long Island in the 1980s, Harlem was simply a place that you did not go. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for…

Dr. Thompson: How To Make Money During a Down Economy

By Dr. Maxine Thompson Are you angry about the economy? I don’t know about you, but I get angry in this down economy. Why? Because it has a trickle-down effect on all small businesses. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to…

Pure Energy: The Feeling That’s Familiar

Thinking back to last summer a few universal memories come to mind. Michael Phelps helping put swimming on the map. A candidate who advocated change proceeded to redraw the electoral map. And when a certain Vice Presidential candidate said she could see Russia from her front porch, it was clear Sarah Palin should have consulted…