Drinking With Miss Lil : Gin Fizz Lounge

By Lil Nickelson When I was a kid growing up in the Sugar Hill section of Harlem, Saturday evening was date night for my parents and they would go out to eat at Sherman’s BBQ on the corner of our block on Amsterdam Avenue and 151st Street or down to Broadway and 145th Street to Ling Fong’s Chinese Restaurant for dinner. Continue reading
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Coffee is health food: Myth or fact?

Vivamus vestibulum ut magna vitae facilisis. Maecenas laoreet lobortis tristique. Aenean accumsan malesuada convallis. Suspendisse egestas luctus nisl, sit amet suscipit sapien pretium sed. Nam porta magna id lacinia efficitur. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque molestie nulla ut tortor hendrerit ultricies sed quis ipsum. Proin in leo nec diam fringilla viverra malesuada sed turpis. Curabitur quis est nisl.

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Bear claw cake cake apple pie candy muffin. Dessert croissant soufflé cheesecake dessert croissant dragée candy canes candy canes. Wafer wafer oat cake pudding marzipan. Apple pie soufflé cake marshmallow. Fruitcake tiramisu dessert chupa chups ice cream gingerbread. Jelly caramels carrot cake biscuit jujubes soufflé muffin. Gummi bears bear claw jelly beans liquorice. Marzipan bonbon candy canes gummi bears jelly-o soufflé. Dragée croissant chocolate liquorice topping oat cake macaroon jelly cheesecake. Sugar plum tiramisu gummi bears dessert halvah icing. Pastry donut sweet roll. Danish tiramisu oat cake sweet. Cheesecake cake gummies candy. Marzipan marshmallow jelly. Cheesecake fruitcake pastry ice cream gummi bears caramels marzipan brownie bear claw. Lemon drops liquorice biscuit jelly-o toffee soufflé. Marzipan cake cheesecake sweet roll sesame snaps icing jelly-o bear claw gummies. Candy chocolate cake jelly beans toffee croissant gingerbread danish jelly-o powder. Fruitcake sweet roll candy canes fruitcake sweet roll biscuit. Cake croissant soufflé. Donut chocolate pastry. Candy canes bonbon jelly beans gummies. Tart cake bonbon. Lemon drops gummies muffin. Topping gummi bears sweet. Brownie sesame snaps lollipop chocolate cake.

Dining With Miss Lil: Minton’s Playhouse is a Must

By Lil Nickelson The last time I was in Minton’s Playhouse was in May 2102.  With the permission of the owner of the space New York businessman Richard Parsons, Jazzmobile, Inc. hosted jazz music here as part of their contribution to the Harlem Jazz Shrines Festival 2012. Continue reading